Willamette Week is funded, in part, by our readers.
Your help supports local independent journalism that informs, educates and engages our community.

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When you make a contribution to Willamette Week you become a Friend. Each Friend is a member of WW and will receive special benefits for their generosity. You can view the different membership levels and their respective benefits using the chart below:

You will need to renew your membership by making a financial contribution annually or by becoming a monthly supporter. Your membership will be active for 12 months based on your most current contribution.

Accepting financial support does not mean we endorse supporters or their products, services or opinions. We accept contributions and grants from individuals, organizations and foundations to help with our general operation costs. Our editorial decisions are made independently. They are not based on or influenced by supporters or any revenue source. We do not give supporters the rights to assign, review or edit content.




Your support helps keep local independent journalism free and available to this community. Read why some of our Friends choose to support our work:         

We would love to share with our readers why you choose to support Willamette Week. Take a few short minutes to fill out this form. You may be featured in the paper and on wweek.com



If you have any questions about your membership or how to become a member, email us at membership@wweek.com. We’d love to hear from you!